User Story Map

Explore and Navigation

    As a reader I want to see the hierarchical location of a document (Breadcrumbs.)
    As a User, I want to delete content.
    As a User, I want to bring back content that I have deleted.
    Improve Profile and Group design (Empty state)
    As an Editor, I want to add a document within a daft.
      Should switch from all types of embeds.
      Embed picker, same for all references common UI.
      With a branch picker too.
      Explore using the name Add instead of Embed.
    As an Editor, I want to add a document to another document or document section.


Compose a Document

    As an editor, I want to create a New Document.
    As an editor, I want to add text, video, and images.
    As an editor, I want to add references.
    As an editor, I want to create a document from a section.
    As an editor, I want to edit an embed.

Organize Information

    As an author, I want to add a document to a draft.
    As an author, I want to add a document to another document or section.

Manage Collaborators

    As a branch owner, I want to add users as Collaborators.
    As a branch owner, I want to add non-users as Collaborators.
    As a branch owner, I want to add new group collaborators to the branch.
    As a branch owner, I want to remove collaborators from the branch.
    As a document owner, I want to Transfer ownership of a document to another User or a Group.
    As a document owner, I want to select a different branch as the default branch.
    As an editor, I want to take over and fork a document.


Collaboratively editing

    As a Collaborator, I want to rebase my draft when I get new changes from Collaborators and review conflicts.
      Create a draft based on the latest accepted change
      a new change arrived and I see it in the history panel
      click on review change that open the rebase flow
      Collaborator preview the draft with the new change rebased and see the conflicts or changes
      Collaborator either rebase or cancel operation
    As a Collaborator, I want to rebase my draft with suggested changes from other users
      Create a draft based on the latest accepted change
      a new suggested change arrived and I see it in the suggested changes panel
      click on review change that open the rebase flow
      Collaborator preview the draft with the new change rebased and see the conflicts or changes
      Collaborator either rebase or cancel operation
    As a Collaborator, I want to make Suggested Changes instead of directly editing the document.

Branch editing

    As an editor, I want to create a new Branch.
    As an editor, I want to suggest the collaborators merge a Branch.
    As a user, I want to suggest a change to a branch
      open publication
      create a draft based on branch A
      Suggest change to branch A (publish)
      navigate to my version of branch A
    As a user, I want to suggest a change based on another suggested change
    As a collaborator, I want to merge a Suggested Change.
      open publication
      open changes panel to see the suggested chages list
      select one item in the suggested changes list
      see the suggested version document
      see the diff between the siggested version and the current version
      select specific changes in the suggested change version
      accept (merge) or reject suggested change
    As a collaborator, I want to merge branches and review conflicting changes in the same paragraphs.
    As a branch owner, I want to close a branch or a document.
    As a branch owner, I want to reopen a branch or a document.


    As a User, I want to publish a document.
    As an Editor, I want to squeeze Document History for security reasons.


    As a user, I want to read the home page.
    As a user, I want to see the list of content published to this site
    as a user, I want to read a publication
    As a user, I want to see the history of versions of a publication
    As a user, I want to see the list of Contributors to a publication
    As a user, I want to see the sitemap of the site
    As a user, I want to open the publication in my mintter app
    As a user, I want to open the Group site in my mintter app
    As a user, I want to start a conversation
    As a user, I want to start a conversation around a particular statement in the publication
    As a user, I want to reply to a message in a existing conversation
    As a user, I want to Donate Satoshis to the Collaborators of a site
    As a user, I want to Donate Satoshis to the Collaborators of a particular publication
    As a user, I want to see the changes between two versions of a publication
    As a user, I want to see the connections to a publication inside this site


As a group owner, I want to remove one or more editors